Well in efforts to keep you all updated on my life and because of special requests, here comes another post for ya. LIFE IS GOOD! Attitude is one of THE most powerful things in life. If I sit and think of all the hard, sad things yeah I'll be depressed....but the song "count your many blessings name them one by one, and it will surprise you what the Lord has done" lately has occupied my mind. I guess what I'm getting to is super painful but at the same time not.
The "boy" as I'm sure you all have called him (lets be honest Brent still doesn't know the names of all Kim's kids) and I called it quites last week. After awhile of dating it always gets to the point where it goes one way or another. I think there are very few things that are more painful than leaving someone important behind, but people do it everyday and survive quite nicely. But I personally don't ever want to do it again. ha ha I have decided that it must be some what like giving birth....wait for it.... you see I'm sure the pain is incredibly taxing, stressful, and excruciating in the moment, and yet for some reason most people have more than one child, the crazy ones have quite a few more than one. People we must not forget the pain! ha ha I'm just kidding, I know the real reason for the sacrifice is the little mutt itself and how cute they are. It seems like the pain resonates for awhile and helps you really get back to your source of strength and then your ready to move on.
With hard times come so many tender mercies for example my favorite one so far.... the night we called it quites it was a Sunday and I went back to mom and dad's house. Naturally in Sunday gathering tradition, Kim and Lee were there. I had of COURSE shed some tears and, Lee being one of the more sensitive people I know said, "Angie listen....your day has been nothing compared to mine, the pain you are feeling is nothing compared to the feeling that has plaged me all day, you see today I got not one but TWO more families to home teach." You may ask, What? a tender mercy? how? In response to Lee's, some what inconsiderate, insensitive comment, I laugh so hard it made me cry (ironic I know) and was just the ticket to feeling better! So thanks Lee for "understanding" and I wish you all the luck with your home teaching assignment.
I guess what I've learned lately is that life is what you make it. I was talking to Dave the other night on the phone and I was telling him how much I hated dating and how painful it was . . . is . . .will be. Dave got a little passionate when I said this and corrected my misconception of dating by saying it's not miserable it's just "temporary insanity." (Not quite sure what that says about Dave himself considering the fact that he didn't get married till he was thirty) Regardless I have decided to adopt this and I don't hate dating, I'm just temporarily insane and enjoying every second of it!